Kris Kennedy - Kenfield Consulting (US Affiliate)

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Kristina (Kris) Kennedy is the President and Director of DTG-EMP’s only US affiliate company, Kenfield Consulting Inc. Kris has been a leader in improving employment outcomes for persons with barriers to employment since 1984. She is a national speaker and trainer on best practice in the areas of job preparation, job development and job placement.
Kris received her Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from Western Washington University and keeps her Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor certification (CRCC) current. Her education and fieldwork experience combined with DTG-EMP’s experience designing systems and curriculums has made for a dynamic team.
Ms. Kennedy’s diligent and insightful management of statewide initiatives resulted in the Enhancing Employment Outcomes Systems being named one of the most innovative best practices nationwide, by the Institute for Community Inclusion at the University of Massachusetts, Boston in 2012. The program’s ability to produce jobs, especially jobs for individuals with the most significant disabilities, remains unsurpassed.
Kenfield Consulting, Inc. is currently working along-side DTG-EMP providing assistance to agencies, organizations and individuals who are tackling the issues we are all faced with at one time or another and that is how to get more jobs for more candidates with greater barriers to employment while using the same or fewer resources. She is a firm believer that EEOS works for anyone interested in developing more efficient and effective ways of finding jobs for virtually any type of employment barrier.
Kris’s leadership style has been described as honest, futuristic, competent and inspiring. These attributes are crucial at any time, but have been proven especially vital in times of uncertainty.
Her philosophical approach to employment focuses primarily on access. She is devoted to issues of non-discrimination and knows through experience that the prevention and removal of social and environmental barriers works to allow access for all people to economic opportunities. Ms. Kennedy is not one to sanction individuals as being either above or below, but prefers instead to find immediate solutions to physical and attitudinal constraints in order to achieve a more full integration of our society – one job at a time.
Kris currently resides in Tucson, Arizona where she can be close to her family and work without rain.
Allen Anderson - DTG-EMP (International)
The President of DTG-EMP, has been engaged in the job development field since 1980. Allen is an internationally recognized thought leader and speaker on issues related to employment outcomes for people with employment barriers.
His focus includes:
Job Development Marketing Skills and Techniques
Job Development Model Development (Conceptual/Strategic/Operational)
Job Development Direct Service Delivery
Job Development Creative Problem Solving
Facilitation & Presentation Skills
Employment Programming and Organizational Development.

Allen has a Master’s degree in Sociology with a specialization in criminology. He entered the job development field in 1980 to pay for his Master’s education and never left. Since then, he has worked as a Job Developer, Director of Job Placement, Director of Training and Development as well as Vice President and President of training companies. He has consulted since 1990.
Allen has developed 15 training programs for job development professionals, published numerous articles and spoken extensively about the requirements for successful employment outcomes. His ideas have guided the design of government employment programs in the US as well as Canada. Two of the programs on which he consulted and assisted in the design are responsible for placing over 100,000 people a year.
He designed and wrote the Employment Outcomes Professional series of workshops, EOP, EOPII, EOMP, EOMPII, RHD, RHDII, EOF, EOPR, EOP Coaching, and Advanced Marketing Skills for Job Developers. His work is benefiting US State Agencies for people with disabilities, TANF, ex-offenders, disadvantaged youth and seniors. In Canada, his programs are used with new immigrants, people with disabilities, disadvantaged youth, apprenticeship programs, workers compensation programs, education programs and not-for-profit organizations serving a wide range of people with employment barriers.
Allen’s unique philosophy that “nobody needs to be left behind to unemployment” drives all of his program development and consulting advice. He takes a systems approach to link all of the elements impacting successful employment outcomes.
Allen Anderson’s awards include the American Society for Training and Development’s Disabilities Awareness Network Quality Service Award in 1993; and in 2006, the Ontario March of Dimes Vocational Rehabilitation Award.
Angela Hoyt - Evolution Group Inc. (Canadian Affiliate)

The principal of Evolution Group, is an experienced facilitator, consultant, trainer and award winning executive coach. Her clients appreciate the personalized, friendly approach she brings to every training and consulting opportunity.
Currently working towards her Masters in Interdisciplinary Studies, Angela has over 20 years of experience helping organizations to grow and to thrive.