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- Client: Sue Forrester, Senior Manager, Program Design Unit,
Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, Ontario, Canada

Sales Management for Employment Outcomes Managers
There is a direct proportional relationship between employment outcomes numbers and effective sales management skills. They improve together. Getting great employment outcomes requires effective sales skills. Effective sales skills require even more effective sales management skills. As an employment outcomes manager you must be equal to, or better, in sales skills knowledge than the people who sell for you.
An organization cannot be effective in a function without management that has at least as much knowledge of that function as the people performing that function.
Effective sales management capacity will deliver to organizations and managers:
More control over attaining employment outcomes
Greater expansion and growth in employer relationships
Greater capacity to address unique needs of service users
Greater ability to expand the job market for your job seekers
Better short and long term return on investment
More effective management of staff and staff performance
Enhanced ability to lead and direct the job development strategy
Our workshops teach the following sales management skills:
Consultative and collaborative selling strategies
Relationship verses transaction selling methodologies
Identifying, building, expanding and retaining job market share
Effective sales skills needed by job developers to be competent at engaging employers
Motivation interventions for job developers and other staff involved in contacting employers
Hiring the right staff for job development
How to plan, execute and evaluate job development strategies and tactics
Employment outcomes visioning
Staff accountability structures for employment outcomes
Maximizing resource utilization in job development
Process maps and models for a job development service delivery system
Systems approach to employment outcomes
Be a great job development manager or director; learn great job development sales management.