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- Client: Kathleen H. Allen, Case Services Manager

  South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department






DTG-EMP (Toronto) with Kenfield Consulting (Arizona) is a North American consulting and training team, with extensive experience in the Canadian and US human and employment services industry. We specialize in strategy and skill development training for organizations/staff needing to know how to find them jobs for service users with employment barriers.


We use the Enhancing Employment Outcomes System (EEOS), designed by Allen Anderson, a model for placing job seekers with all levels of employment barriers. Allen Anderson started building the EEOS model in 1989 and has evolved it ever since incorporating the newest sales and job development techniques and strategies.


Allen Anderson as a principle with DTG-EMP has been developing, refining and applying job development strategies, solutions and techniques to the issue of employment for people with all levels of employment barriers. His ideas formulate our solutions. Our models and skills are innovative, evidence based, and effective.

  • most employment barriers from the easy to themost difficult (deaf/blind, refugees, severemental health)

  • most economic circumstances (boom/bust,urban/rural)

  • most types of employers and jobs (large/small, supportive/resistant, entry level/senior management)

  • Abandon no one to unemployment

  • If you can get jobs for the hardest to serve - you can get jobs for anyone

  • Selling and motivation are the keys to employment outcomes success

We Can Address:
Our Focus Is On 3 Concepts:

We know the skills and techniques for getting jobs for almost anyone. We know what works and what does not. We make employment service more effective by better utilizing assigned resources, maximizing returns of those resources and building from an organizations strengths and current effectiveness.


Our Training, Consulting & Coaching Commitments

Professionals want practical and proven methods, which make sense and can be used at once. DTG-EMP workshops are designed to be interactive, practical and immediately applicable. DTG-EMP staff use the skills we teach in our workshops. We know what we do works as we have or continually use the skills we preach and teach.


We commit to the implementation of our materials through free distance consultations or paid on-site coaching with staff as they plan for and visit with employers. We stand beside our customers to ensure the skills taught will be of maximum use in achieving employment outcomes. You will get support from inception to completion, at all levels of the organization and with any needed organizational change initiatives.

Our Non-traditional Industry Challenging Ideas
  1. Job readiness is not that important. Lots of non-job ready people are working.

  2. A traditional path to employment is for the most able; an innovative path is needed for the rest.

  3. We go to the job market; it will not come to us.

  4. All jobs are negotiable – you can change the job order.

  5. Job development is sales and marketing, not education or counseling.

  6. Employer needs can be massaged to fit the candidate’s skills.

  7. A candidates willingness to change is more important than initial job retention.

  8. Failing at a job is a good beginning, not a poor ending.

  9. The job developer is sold to the employer before the candidate.

  10. The only absolute must in going to work is the motivation to work.

  11. Employment programs not a candidate preparation get people jobs.

DTG-EMP knows strategies, skills and techniques for getting people with employment barriers to work. Let us help you find the options you need!


Download our Enhancing Employment Outcomes Systems brochure to read more about our philosophy and approach to employment outcomes.


If you would like a customized, practical solution to your employment outcomes issues, let us give you a proposal that will lead you to your solution. See our contact us page.

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