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- Client: Alexis Deans-Hill, Case Manager

  Ontario March of Dimes, March of Dimes Canada, East Region



3 Red Hot Issues Every Successful Job Developer MUST Address"

“3 Red Hot Issues” is a one-hour webinar that introduces the selling principles and beliefs used by successful employment organizations in order to:


  • Convince employers to hire a candidate they would typically reject.

  • Assess for motivation to work and when motivation is an issue basic intervention techniques that work

  • Find employers who will hire our candidates

Advanced Marketing Skills for Job Developers (Webinar Series)

“4 Key Ideas and Skills for the Advanced Job Developer” provides seasoned job developers with ideas and skills that take the job developer and their organization to higher performance levels.


AMS teaches higher level selling using the following techniques:

- Value added selling

- Perceptual analysis

- Continuous and effective prospecting

- Discovering new needs

3 X 1.5 HOURS

Buying Job Development “Becoming an Informed Buyer of JD Services”

This webinar series ensures VR counselors/case managers and staff know what they need to be purchasing to get the employment outcomes they want. They will learn how to recognize if the provider can and does offer relevant job development services, as they are needed.
Most often job preparation activities (resumes, interviews) are sold as job development services when these are not what job development should entail.
Participants become informed buyers of JD services and can save a lot of resources by enhancing their skills at purchasing.

Conquering the Job Market for People with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities

Job development for people with intellectual developmental disabilities is a unique and specific job development strategy. If you need jobs for individuals with intellectual development disabilities you need to manage three specific challenges you will need to be able to work through with employers. These include addressing the issue that these individuals will:

  1. Be slower and less productive than other people

  2. Require special attention and supervision to work

  3. Not add much value to the work team

Until you can address these objections they will weigh heavily on the employers hiring preference. 

You will also need to design a strategy for people who will need more than one placement. Many people with intellectual development disabilities have had fewer work experiences in their lives and as such may not find their first job or career choice to their liking when in the real job. How do you turn this first job dislike and potential failure into gold for the employer and the person you are placing? Do you have enough employers to accommodate people potentially changing jobs one to two times before they settle in? In order to learn the techniques that get people with intellectual developmental disabilities into the job market and into quality opportunities as well as use their proclivity to change jobs as they start working, take this webinar. Job development strategies designed specifically to assist people with intellectual developmental disabilities can make things easier for you.

Customize the Job "How to Create Jobs from Scratch"

customize the Job is a specialized population, one hour webinar emphasizing the demand side of the supply and demand employment equation.


The assumption that skill competency is the only key to employment will be challenged. The idea that there are other ways to get a job than through traditional work competencies will be explored. How to get the employer to change the job order to meet the candidate's competencies and still meet the needs of the job will be taught.

Webinar only | 1 HOUR

Employment First

Employment First (EF) is a specialized population, 60-minute webinar that provides participants with a demand-side structure with the capacity to find jobs for persons with less-than-standard competencies. Selling strategies needed, in abundance, to make an Employment First initiative truly effective will be reviewed including:

  • Timing – finding out about jobs before others do to avoid competition for our candidates

  • Trust – earning the right to present a candidate in a manner in which information is believed and trusted

  • Competency – meeting and presenting baseline competencies as defined by employers

Two demand-side strategies that maximize the potential for jobs and get the most from available resources over the long term are introduced; including the idea of owning market share versus placement numbers and value added selling.


Webinar only | 1 HOUR

Employment Outcomes Fundamentals (EOF)

Employment Outcomes Fundamentals (EOF) is structured to build on the skills you already have and provide you with new ideas and approaches to improve your marketing communications and interactions with employers.


After your participation in this complimentary webinar, we want you to be able to:

  • Increase your effectiveness in selling and marketing communications and interactions

  • Have greater control over the marketing work you do or plan to do

  • Achieve greater employment outcomes with less effort 


During this one hour training, Kenfield will be introducing you to a selling system that is designed to be uniquely compatible with the field of human services. This is a system that works to help job developers:

  • Think and act more strategically by using a sells and marketing system that is specifically designed to put individuals with barriers to employment to work

  • Connect candidate preparation activities (motivation to work) with job market penetration activities

  • Implement a self-correcting system for optimal success

  • Truly learn how to do more with less 


Employment Outcomes Management Professional (EMOPIII)

SERIES LENGTH: 3 Hours (Session 1: 90 mins, Session 2: 90mins)


EOMP III is a webinar series designed for managers (and staff) that outlines the EEOS model and strategies needed to build an effective employment program that will serve all people with all levels of employment barriers.


It invites managers to think more creatively and critically about the interaction between preparing people to go to work and the actual attainment of employment. It focuses on an effective model for generating employment outcomes for all candidates.


It provides better and necessary links between job preparation and effective job development.


Managers will learn how to review and evaluate service delivery options to see if they support actual employment outcomes. The EEOS model is a comprehensive focus on how to think and generate employment outcomes for candidates regardless of their employment barriers.


Facilitated by Allen Anderson and Angela Hoyt of Evolution Group.

Intermediate Skill Building “OARS”

Learn advanced approaches to interacting with job seekers using the motivational interviewing techniques that are captured by the acronym OARS:

(1) Open-ended questions,

(2) Affirmations,

(3) Reflective listening and

(4) Summaries.
Recommended that this course be preceded by the Motivation Connections Overview and Skill Building courses, as this course will be more advanced.

Job Development for Blind and Visually Impaired

Job Development for Blind is a specialized population, one-hour webinar with a focus on job development techniques and strategies proven effective when practiced while working with persons who are blind or visually impaired.


Webinar only | 1 HOUR

Job Development Practices Unique to Youth

Work based activities are an important part of transitioning from the public school system out into the community. Whether you are using work experiences for vocational goal setting, temporary/seasonal employment opportunities or permanent employment opportunities you will need to be able to work well with employers to realize your goal.


Knowing how to make connections with employers and communicate the value to them of hiring students is an important skill to have. We will show you:


  • How to find employers who will want to work with you

  • How to communicate with employers in order to fully understand how to match their needs with the attributes of your students 

  • How to propose an employment solution to employers that addresses the student’s ability to meet the needs of the job. 


Webinar only | 1 HOUR

Job Development Selling Essentials (Webinar Series)

4 X 1.5 HOURS

Job Development Selling Essentials is an in-depth “how to” webinar series in which participants learn direct marketing and selling skills needed to be successful at finding jobs for persons with barriers to employment. Emphasis is on building the relationship with the employer. The focus is on the following:


  • How to initiate relationships with an employer

  • How to know and analyze the employer’s needs and expectations

  • How to connect employer needs and candidate solutions

  • How to add value to the employer relationship

  • How to be innovative in working with employers

  • How to ensure long-term viable employer relationships

Job Development with a Criminal History "It Isn't That Hard IF You Know What You are Doing!"

Job Development with a Criminal History is a specialized population, one-hour webinar emphasizing job development skills and techniques that focus on an employer's perception around post-hiring benefits and costs of a candidate with a criminal history.


Job developers learn how to create a more positive employer perception of the person with the criminal history. Job developers are introduced to concrete ways in which they can help the employer to be more objective and consider new choices when faced with a hiring decision.


Participants learn that employers will often make a choice that is not linked to preconceived ideas when the job developer understands how to focus on the employers problems, not their requested solutions.


Webinar only.| 1 HOUR

Job Scoping Versus Job Matching

JSJM is a 60-minute webinar that addresses how we can reframe the marketing challenge in Job Development and make it into what we need versus what brings forth ineffective skills. The emphasis will be on how to find jobs our candidates can do versus looking for job openings our candidates can fill. How to perform job identification – what basic jobs exist in our community will be discussed as a different way to look for employers and build a different sell for it.


If your marketing is not working now or not working well enough this course will help you to think about how you are thinking about the task and work to help you see a different perspective or frame of reference that will refresh you work.

Webinar only. | 1 HOUR

Making a Business Proposition Work for You

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...Can you explain the value of what you can offer an employer so you and the employer are confident in doing business together? Can you say more than I want you to hire our candidates and we can help you do that, so you are more powerful in your presentation? Can you sound different than staffing or recruitment agencies so that you stand out from the crowd? Can you tell anyone what you have to offer the employer from a business relationship perspective?

Building a Business Proposition is the tool to help you gain confidence and respect in your business relationships with employers. It tells them and reinforces for you that you have something to offer that is valuable. No more are you a supplier to the employer, but you can become their business partner making the total relationship greater than the sum of the parts.

If you want to build relationships with larger organizations you need a business proposition to explain “why you” to the employer you want to do business with. Create your identity with a coherent and powerful business proposition. You are more than the purveyor of your candidates you are also the business consultant and partner. 
This is advanced selling.

Motivation Connections Introductory Series


This course is designed to take participants further in their Motivation Interviewing skills by focusing on core skills involved in “OARS”: Open Questions, Affirmations, Reflections and Summarizing.


Session One: Overview (90 mins)
The overview will teach participants to increase their job seeker's motivation to work with every interaction. Motivational Interviewing (MI) core skills called “OARS” will be is introduced as a counseling skill that can increase engagement with the job seeker and provide VRC’s, case managers, providers and staff with strategies to increase their candidate’s motivation to work. This 90-minute webinar focuses on the core skills called OARS of MI to facilitate motivation to change. 


Session Two: “Open Questions and Affirmations” (60 mins)
Shows VR counselors, case managers, providers and staff how to get the most out of their brief interactions with job seekers. This one-hour webinar introduces the MI communication techniques call Open Questions and Affirmations used to invite deeper conversations with the job seeker regarding their motivation to work. 


Session Three: “Reflections and Summarizing” (60 mins)
Shows VR counselors, case managers, providers and staff how to get the most out of their brief interactions with job seekers. This one-hour webinar introduces the MI communication techniques call Reflections and Summarizing used to invite deeper conversations with the job seeker regarding their motivation to work. 

Practical Approaches to Job Coaching “JC Foundational Skills and Techniques”

Job Coaching is provided as a one-hour webinar that explores the role of the job coach at the worksite.


Practical approaches to job coaching will be discussed including how to implement methods and techniques based primarily on the person being coached, the job, work environment, coworker involvement, supervision management, etc.


Webinar only | 1 HOUR

Prospecting: The Premier Technique/Strategy in Job Development

If you cannot find employers who are hiring or you are unable to get appointments with employers you find, then you cannot get jobs for your candidates. If all you can get is employers with high turnover simple entry-level jobs to see you, all you will get is these kinds of jobs. Do you want more, better and different types of jobs? Then you need good prospecting techniques. Prospecting technique tell you who is hiring and how to get that needed employer appointment.

Learn the prospecting techniques and strategies that will get you more, better, and diverse employers to meet your employment needs. Learn how to maximise the Hidden Job Market where 80% plus of jobs are and which is called hidden for a reason. Make prospecting a winner for you and you will be a winner at getting jobs.

Rural Job Development "Why is it Harder and 3 Strategies that will Maximize Success"

Rural Job Development is a specialized population, one-hour webinar designed specifically to assist those working in a rural job market. Skills to place participants with barriers to employment in rural settings are revealed. Two classic errors are discussed as well as what you should or can do in order to be successful.


Four keys to unlocking the rural job market are emphasized including:


  • Preparation

  • Understanding rural employer needs

  • The importance of community support

  • Involving the community


Webinar only | 1 HOUR

Sales Management Skills: Maximizing Performance Capability for Job Development Managers

Job development is direct selling and as such can best be supported with sales management skills applied to job development selling issues. Sales management provides the following:

  • Leadership on job development sales strategy

  • Organizational development to support the employment service goals

  • Job development staff skills development in selling

  • Accountability for strategy and resources spent

  • Strategic and tactical changes as needed

  • Systems analysis

The following focuses are part of the sales management function:

  • Ensuring obtaining needed employer market share

  • Ensuring rapid staff self-correction on implementation of strategy and tactics

  • Continuing to enhance successes and eliminate failures

  • Building needed staff competencies to accommodate new types of people needing service

  • Designing strategic direction to unify and focus activities

  • Proactive thinking for future planning

If understanding how to be effective in these areas could help you, than the sales management webinar is for you. Understanding sales management will make your management life easier.

Strategic Marketing Series

The 4-Step Marketing Road Map in three 1 hour sessions series:

Developing Your Opening Line "What Do You Say After You Say Hello?"
Learn what to say after you say hello: 
1) when performing random lead generation and, 
2) after you know there's a job available and know the decision-maker's name
3) after the employer agrees to see you. 


Needs Analysis "How to Get the Employer to Describe Their REAL Needs"
As a job developer there are two questions to consider before meeting the employer for a Needs Analysis meeting. Learn how to introduce yourself and position what you do and how to prepare the questions you will need to ask the employer in order to understand their needs.


How to Seal the Deal "Know When to Close 'Em and Know When to Fold 'Em"
Learn the FIVE critical actions involved in closing the deal and making the placement. The thinking involved after the needs analysis step is in response to the information gathered during the needs analysis step and including the employer's responses to your questions.


Webinar Only

Developing Your Opening Line

"What Do You Say After You Say Hello?"

This is a one-hour webinar given as a standalone or as a part of the "4-Step Road Map in Three Sessions" series. Learn what to say after you say hello:

1) when performing random lead generation and,

2) after you know there's a job available and know the decision-maker's name

3) after the employer agrees to see you.

Needs Analysis

This is a one-hour webinar given as a standalone or as a part of the "4-Step Road Map in Three Sessions" series.

As a job developer there are two questions to consider before meeting the employer for a Needs Analysis meeting.

Learn how to introduce yourself and position what you do and how to prepare the questions you will need to ask the employer in order to understand their needs.

How to Seal the Deal

"Know When to Close 'Em and Know When to Fold 'Em" 


This is a one-hour webinar given as a standalone or as part of the "4-Step Road Map in Three Sessions" series.


Learn the FIVE critical actions involved in closing the deal and making the placement. The thinking involved after the needs analysis step is in response to the information gathered during the needs analysis step and including the employer's responses to your questions.

Overcoming Overselling the Candidate (OOC)

This 60-minute webinar will outline some serious selling flaws and provide other alternative approaches to over-selling while explaining why each does not work and the damage it can cause. Recognizing bad job development will help you inform yourself and others who may supervise or offer suggestions to you when you know those suggestions are will not work.


Learn from others mistakes so you don't need to repeat them:


  • Don't oversell the candidate 

  • False expectations significantly damage future engagements 

  • Go for long-term success  

False expectations, on the employers part, can significantly damage future engagements with that employer and undermine job developer confidence. Learn how to avoid this "hole in the road" by participating in this distance learning opportunity.


Webinar Only | 1 HOUR

Understanding Employer Needs & “Don’t Sell the Disability!”

“Don’t Sell the Disability” is a one-hour webinar designed to discourage approaches to job development that tend to highlight people with disabilities as being less able and more costly than other candidates rather than the reverse.  In order to counteract the impulse to “sell” the candidate using an altruistic approach a “need for needs” methodology is emphasized.


Three needs to focus the engagement with the employer are defined:


  • Overt needs

  • Hidden Needs

  • Emerging Needs


Webinar only | 1 HOUR

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